
'WALL CLIMBER Gargoyle' Assembly Part 2

The hands after partial fiberglassing. Notice that the fingers have no fiberglass. I will Bondo the fingers and use an epoxy putty to smooth the fingers at the ends and around the claws.

The arms.

This is the arms with holes drilled to mate with the hands. This is only for a temporary hold. I'll apply Bondo between the joints once I fit the hands to the arms and get the proper angle that the hands need to be in relationship to a wall.

Prior to smoothing the Bondo joints ... the hands are allowed to cure completely.


Beginning Assembly of the 'WALL CLIMBER Gargoyle' Part 1

Front on view of the head of the gargoyle. The eyes were rolled from an epoxy putty and then sawed in two when hardened. Hot-glued in place.

This creature is a combination of two arms, two hands, a head, body, and a tail. There will be no legs. What I am going after is a unique body style that has dominant arms and powerful clawed paws that allows movement including climbing.

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Side view of the eye placement.

A shot of the head prior to the eyes. Keep this form in mind as this project proceeds. This head is newspaper and tape construction with a thin layer or two of fiberglass.